Rural Tourism in Granada

Hang Gliding in The High Plateau

Hang Gliding in The High Plateau

People who are interested in Hang Gliding or "Vuelo Libre" can practise this sport in two different places  within El Altiplano de Granada (The High Plateau of Granada),one of which is located in Zújar and the other one in Huéscar.

The one located in Zújar is in the hill of El Jabalcón and the one located in Huéscar is in the hill of La Encantada. Both spaces are integrated in the Net of Hang Gliding spaces of Andalucia.  From the hill of el Jabalcón people who like this sport and visitors will be able of having the weather forecast in real time of both flight spaces: Zújar and Huéscar. Moreover, they will be able of getting information about the taking off and landing areas of both flight spaces.

Therefore, this is a new activity which gives us the opportunity of enjoying the practice of leisure activities in contact with nature, and the opportunity of enjoying tourism in a different way: a more natural way of having fun and relating with our surroundings.

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